To my dearest, ever patient husband,

Thank you for putting up with me for the last week while I’ve been a pms-ing bitch from hell. I know I’ve bitten your head off numerous times, burst into tears frequently and had a ridiculous number of mood swings so thank you for not beating me over the head with a shovel like I would have done in your shoes.

Thank you for looking after me today when AF hit and my heart was aching and the cramps were killer. Thank you for going out to the shops THREE times for me today, this morning for peanut butter, then to KFC for lunch and then to get Nutella for my dinner. Thank you for surprising me with a packet of pain killers especially for periods, not the most traditionally romantic gift in the world , but 10 points for thinking of me and trying to help.

Thank you for letting me vege in bed and the bath this morning while the kids kept you on your toes. And thank you for all the cuddles, they really helped me get through the day.

Love you lots
